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Gift card

Buy the perfect gift filled with love and full of emotions. This gift fits all who need and want to be touched by dance, opera, music, theater, humor and magic.

The gift card can be used for any event at Jönköping Theater or Jönköping Concert Hall. You can buy the gift card with the following values: 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900 and 1000. The validity period is one year from the date of purchase.

You buy your gift card in our webshop or at Jönköping Theater.

Do you have a gift card that expires no later than 2020-12-31? Contact Biljettservice on +46 771-21 13 00 or and we will help you extend your gift card.

Opening hours at Jönköping Theater
Do you need help with the purchase?
Please call +46 771-21 13 00
or send an e-mail to